1. Manuscripts are typed using Microsoft Word, in .doc/.docx format on template provided
  2. The typeface used is Times New Roman, size 10 points
  3. The number of pages of the manuscript is a maximum of 20 pages. The
  4. writing system uses a digit system, as follows:

        1.1 is written in ALL CAPITALS, bold and left-aligned

        1.2 is written in Uppercase, bold, and left-aligned

        1.3 written using Uppercase and Lowercase, bold, and left-aligned

        1.4 is written using capital letters at the beginning of the sub-chapter title, bold, and left

  1. aligned. The composition of the writing consists of:

 INTRODUCTION, Contains the background of the problem, previous research, differences with current research, the purpose of writing in the form of problem formulation

 LITERATURE REVIEW, Contains about theoretical discussion of research studies

 RESEARCH METHODS, Contains the operationalization of variables, data and samples, analysis tools

 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Contains research findings and discussion

 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS, Contains conclusions from research results and suggestions for further research

 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, Contains names parties who contribute to the research, either as funders, note takers, etc.

 REFERENCES, Contains references to books, journals, websites cited in writing

  1. Table number and figure number each starting from 1 (one) and explained in the following paragraph.
  2. .the name of the image is placed under the center of the image r Writing the name of the table is placed above the middle of the table
  3. For editorial purposes and optimizing the quality of the display, if the manuscript contains images, graphics, flowcharts, etc.
  4. Include the original image in the form of a separate file from the written script file.
  5. The bibliography is presented following the APA (American Physiological Association) 6th Edition, as the following example:

's book

, S. (1992). The business of fancydancing: Stories and poems. Brooklyn, NY: Hang Loose Press.


in Maggio, PJ & Powell, WW (1993). The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective  Rationality in Organizational Fields. American Sociological Review, 48(2), 147-160.


Taruo K. (1968) Reinventing Government [Internet], Oxford, Oxford University Press. Available from : Netlibrary < [Accessed 7 June 2009].


Article elements



  • Provides an overview of the research conducted
  • Contains the variables and the relationship between related variables (for qualitative research, following the rules of qualitative research)
  • Length 12 words in Indonesian, 10 words in English

Author's name

  • Without academic/professional degree
  • Accompanied by name and institution origin, placed under the title
  • The main author includes an email address.
  • If there are more than 4 authors, only the main author is listed, complete with et al; names of other authors are included in footnotes or endnotes


  • Problem and/or research objectives
  • Method/approach
  • Research results
  • Made in one paragraph with a word count of less than 100 words
  • Single space
  • Narrower format (indented)
  • Must be written in Indonesian and Bahasa Indonesia English


  • words Specific words or terminology in the field of science discussed in the article
  • Have a distinctive and clear meaning
  • Consists of 2 – 5 words, basic words and words that are formed
  • Explicitly in the title or implicit in the discussion
  • Should refer to thesaurus the relevant


  • Research problems
  • Insights and problem-solving plans
  • Research objectives
  • Summary of theoretical studies
  • Expectations of research results Research

methods Research

  • design/design Research
  • objectives (population, sample, or research subjects)
  • Instrument development techniques/data collection Data
  • analysis techniques
  • Narrative
  • For qualitative research, follow the principles of qualitative research f


  • Results Results (clean) of data analysis
  • The use of tables, graphs or charts is highly recommended The
  • discussion of tables/graphs/charts does not “repeat” the contents of the table, but describes the


  • Answers research questions
  • Describes the logic of the findings
  • Relates to theory and/or or relevant research results

Conclusions and suggestions

  • The essence of research results and discussion
  • Must be relevant to the findings (avoid "claims" that are too strong
  • Presented in short points or paragraphs

List of references

  • only what is actually mentioned in the body of the article
  • What is mentionedarticle must be included in the list of references
  • Placed on the last page of the article (not a new page)
  • 80% in the form of primary and current references (maximum 10 years)



Elements of articles



  • Reflects the problem being discussed
  • Has appeal
  • Indonesian language maximum 12 words, English maximum 10 words

Author's name

  • Without academic/professional degree
  • Include name and institution of origin, placed under the title
  • Main author include email address
  • If there are more than 4 authors, who only the main author is listed, complete with et al; names of other authors included in footnotes or endnotes


  • Compactly written summary
  • Shows main issues and alternative solutions
  • Not comments or introductions from the author
  • Made in one paragraph with 75 – 100 words
  • Single
  • spaced Narrower format (indented) )
  • Must be written in Indonesian and English


  • words Specific words or terminology in the field of science discussed in the article
  • Has a distinctive and clear meaning
  • Consists of 3-5 words, basic words and words that are formed
  • Explicitly in the title or implicit in the discussion
  • Preferably refer to thesaurus the relevant


  • Provides a reference (context of the problem)
  • Contains interesting/interesting things (controversial, unfinished, new developments)
  • Also contains a brief formulation of the main things to be discussed
  • About 15% - 20% of the length of the article
  • Without subtitles

The main part or discussion

  • form
  • Analytical, argumentative, logical, critical
  • Unsu r important: the author's position / attitude
  • About 60 – 80% of the length of the article
  • Divided into several sub headings

Conclusion / Conclusion

  • Conclusion: affirmation of the author's position
  • Suggestions
  • About 10% - 15% of the length of the article

Reference list

  • Only contains what is actually mentioned in thebody of article
  • What is mentioned in the article must be included in the list of references
  • Placed on the last page of the article (not a new page)
  • 80% are primary and up-to-date references (maximum 10 years)